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The Lilith Salon Series Presents:

Winter Hermeticism

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I Didn't Find the hermetic life.
The hermetic life found me.

When I lived in New Orleans, I had two life-size statues of Egyptian gods, Anubis (God of the underworld) and Khnum (God of fertility), in my loft apartment.


Anubis stood at the end of a long hallway, bathed in red light—a bold sign to all that entered that something strange but fabulous was happening around here.


The story of how these statues came into my possession is just as unusual as the fact that I had them in the first place.  If you've experienced synchronicity, you'll understand why explaining how these things happen is tough. The story of how these statues showed up is filled with reckless adventure and destiny, which led to many magical things, including my consecration as a Gnostic priestess.


This story isn't tidy or graceful; it's chaotic and gritty, full of gallows humor. Imagine it as an adult cartoon: a stripper-witch follows her soul's calling and suddenly finds herself in Miami, at The Ancient Spanish monastery at midnight, receiving consecration from a Gnostic Bishop as a Haitian voodoo priestess looked on.

It does not seem like a real-life story.

And yet, it happened.

Under an Aquarian full moon in 2014, I felt ancient lineages enter me like electricity while thinking, how in the hell did I get here?


Why introduce the Winter Hermeticism Salon with this story? 


To show that finding wisdom isn't usually a straightforward journey.

It takes us through the thick of it—dark swamps with imaginary monsters, where it feels like every step could be your last.


Simply put, real wisdom comes from living a life that's true to you, not gleaned from Instagram or TikTok reels.


With threats of political cancellations, religious exile, and social pressures around us, sharing our true thoughts can feel risky today. It feels suffocating. But reclaiming, recounting, and embracing our first-hand lived experiences is the only way back to embodied genuine wisdom, a gnosis that cannot be taken from you.


Hermeticism, deeply rooted in hidden, ancient Egyptian teachings, offers a path to this profound Gnosis (hidden knowledge), which leads to a deeper understanding. It strips back the layers, cutting through the noise to get back to basics—a sense of universal reality often lost in today's world.


We're living in a time of disorder, when there's a strong urge to put everything in neat boxes while we wait for a new order to emerge. But Hermeticism invites us to accept the chaos as part of a more significant divine order, helping us see the sacred, universal order and beauty in a mess and find our footing amidst the turmoil.


It can help us reveal a perennial order that has existed before us and will exist long after we are gone.


But first, let's examine basic information about Hermeticism, starting with the star of the show, Hermes Trismigistus.

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What is Hermeticism and Who is Hermes Trismegistus?

Hermeticism is an ancient philosophical and spiritual tradition blending Greek and Egyptian wisdom. At its core, it draws from the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, or "thrice-greatest Hermes," a legendary figure that combines the attributes of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. Celebrated as a messenger, protector, and guide across divine and mortal realms, Hermes embodies the dynamic interchange between the cosmos and the earthly.

Philosophy and Practice:

Hermeticism is not a religion but a reflective philosophy emerging from intricate thoughts on the universe's mechanics and mysteries. It aims to uncover universal truths and spiritual enlightenment pathways through knowledge (Gnosis), self-reflection, and the integration of opposing forces within the universe and ourselves. Communication Mastery ​ A central tenet of Hermetic philosophy is mastering communication, reflecting Hermes' status as the god of communication. Precise and purposeful articulation of thoughts—avoiding "linguistic promiscuity"—is crucial. This disciplined approach to communication helps navigate complex ideas and relationships with clarity and integrity. Influence and Contemporary Applications ​ Hermeticism has influenced numerous disciplines, including alchemy, astrology, and the occult, offering profound ways to connect with and understand the cosmos. Contemporary applications of Hermetic principles are evident in holistic and integrative medicine, emphasizing the interconnection of body, mind, and spirit and in sustainability practices that consider the balance and harmony of human activities with the natural world. An Invitation ​ This philosophy invites us to explore a richer connection with the universe through practices resonant with ancient teachings and contemporary needs. By staying relevant through the centuries, Hermeticism encourages us to rediscover the profound heritage that has shaped us, making it a continuously enlightening journey for those who seek deeper understanding and harmony.

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Layered Learning: Hermeticism's Gradual Revelation

The Essence of Learning in Hermeticism


In Hermeticism, the approach to revealing knowledge is gradual and structured. However, it isn't explicitly outlined as a singular axiom in primary texts like the Corpus Hermeticum or The Emerald Tablet. This method is deeply rooted in the tradition’s emphasis on careful initiation and the esoteric transmission of wisdom, ensuring that deeper truths are revealed only when a student is adequately prepared.


Layered Initiations


This teaching method mirrors the overall philosophy of Hermeticism, guiding students through progressive layers of understanding. Initially, students encounter more straightforward concepts and symbols. As they advance, they tackle increasingly intricate and abstract ideas. The well-known Hermetic axiom, "As above, so below," illustrates this perfectly. This phrase can be understood on many levels, from the simple to the deeply metaphysical, with each layer requiring deeper insight.

Role of Hermes Trismigistus

In hermetic writings, Hermes Trismegistus, often depicted as a sage-like figure, personifies this educational journey. He carefully guides his disciples, moving them from basic teachings to more complex doctrines, ensuring that they fully integrate each lesson before progressing to the next, thus preventing them from feeling overwhelmed. Ad Fontes: Returning to the Source ​ The Latin phrase "ad fontes," meaning "to the sources," encapsulates the essence of Hermetic learning. It encourages seekers to return to the original, foundational wisdom, free from later interpretations or alterations. In Hermetic teaching, "ad fontes" calls to engage directly with the core insights passed down through the ages. This challenges students to explore and understand these truths at their most fundamental level before exploring more complex interpretations. A Rich Educational Journey ​ This educational approach ensures a solid and comprehensive understanding of Hermetic philosophy, enriching the student's intellectual and spiritual journey. By fostering a deep, foundational grasp before moving to advanced layers, Hermeticism builds a thorough comprehension that enhances lifelong learning and spiritual growth.

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The Corpus Hermeticum and Emerald Tablet

Introduction to Hermetic Texts


The "Corpus Hermeticum" and the "Emerald Tablet" are foundational texts of Hermetic philosophy, intricately linked to the enigmatic figure of Hermes Trismegistus. These texts merge the spiritual and philosophical insights of the Greek and Egyptian worlds, providing a unique and profound perspective on the universe.

Each serves a very different purpose and symbolizes the integration of applied wisdom.


How do these two ancient texts differ, and how do they complement each other in guiding us to understand universal truths through our lived experiences?

The Corpus Hermeticum 

(The Philosophical Hermetica)

The "Corpus Hermeticum" consists of dialogues believed to have been written around the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE. The dialogues often feature Hermes Trismegistus as the teacher, imparting esoteric knowledge to his disciples and guiding them through complex metaphysical concepts and the universe's inner workings. This treasure trove of spiritual wisdom offers pathways to deeper spiritual connections by encouraging introspection, the pursuit of Gnosis (knowledge of the divine), and the alignment of one's soul with the universal order. Each dialogue is crafted to gradually unveil layers of spiritual truths tailored to the reader's philosophical and spiritual maturity. Rediscovered during the Renaissance, a period marked by a rebirth of interest in the arts and sciences of antiquity, the "Corpus Hermeticum" played a pivotal role in the resurgence of Hermetic philosophy. Scholars and thinkers of the time were captivated by its profound insights and synthesis of religious and philosophical thoughts, which seemed to offer a conciliatory approach between burgeoning scientific views and traditional religious beliefs. ​ The Emerald Tablet (The Technical Hermetica) ​ In contrast, the "Emerald Tablet," also known as the Smaragdine Table, is celebrated for its succinct and impactful content, particularly the axiom "As above, so below." This phrase succinctly captures the fundamental Hermetic principle of correspondence—the idea that the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the individual) mirror each other. This concept has deeply influenced philosophical, mystical, and esoteric thought, suggesting that you can understand the other by understanding one.  Though its origins are shrouded in mystery, believed between the 6th and 8th centuries CE, its profound impact on alchemical thought and our understanding of the cosmos is undeniable. Alchemists, both in the Islamic world and later in Europe, used its principles as a foundation for experiments, believing that transforming base metals into gold could parallel spiritual transformation. The axiom "As above, so below" has also resonated across other fields, such as astrology, where it is seen as linking the movements of the planets and stars to events on Earth, and in modern contexts, it influences everything from psychology to quantum physics. The "Emerald Tablet" broad appeal lies in its ability to convey complex universal truths in a few powerful lines, making it a cornerstone of Hermetic wisdom and a perennial source of insight into the nature of existence and the interconnectedness of all things. ​ The Philosophical and Technical Hermetica ​ While the "Corpus Hermeticum" offers philosophical musings, the "Emerald Tablet" provides more technical and practical insights. Both texts, however, are unified in their connection to Hermes Trismegistus and the rich tapestry of wisdom he represents. They guide us along a path that marries deep contemplation with practical transformation insights—not just of metals but of our perception of the world. ​ The Integration of Hermetic Literature ​ Hermetic literature is characterized by its combination of philosophical depth and mystical practices. The thoughtful reflections of the "Corpus Hermeticum" and the transformative techniques described in the "Emerald Tablet" allow us to explore significant existential questions while actively engaging with the world's mysteries in tangible, meaningful ways. ​ A Timeless Journey ​ Ultimately, the "Corpus Hermeticum" and the "Emerald Tablet" draw us into a deeply human journey illuminated by the wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus. This path challenges us to blend our evolving understanding (gnosis) with transformative actions (alchemy) to reflect our newfound insights. Hermes teaches us that the union of wisdom and action creates magic—the essence of manifestation, transmutation, and transcendence. By embracing this process, we reach profound realizations beyond intellectual understanding about our connection to the ancient deities of the heavens and how these archetypes form the essential components of our very being.

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What does The Egyptian God Thoth have to do with hermeticism?

Thoth: The Egyptian God of Wisdom

Thoth, the revered ancient Egyptian deity, was a titan of wisdom and the patron saint of scribes. Known as the inventor of writing, Thoth commanded knowledge, magic, and lunar mysteries. Before the Hellenistic period, he was a pivotal figure in the Egyptian pantheon, representing order, learning, and communication. Believed to balance the universe, record human actions, and guide souls after death, Thoth's role was integral to Egyptian culture, symbolizing intellectual excellence and divine mediation.


Hermes: The Greek Messenger God

In Greek mythology, Hermes was celebrated as the messenger god, notorious for his cleverness, eloquence, and guidance of souls to the underworld. Famous for his speed and ability to move between the worlds of the divine and the mortal, Hermes was also the god of travelers, thieves, and commerce. Before the cultural fusion initiated by Alexander the Great, Hermes was cherished for his role as a communicator and trickster, adept at bridging worlds with his quick thinking and sharp wit.

Convergence into Hermes Trigmigistus

The amalgamation of cultures following Alexander the Great's conquests in Hellenistic Egypt led to the blending of Thoth and Hermes into Hermes Trismegistus. This fusion melded Thoth’s deep wisdom with Hermes's dynamic communicative prowess, representing a perfect synthesis of Egyptian and Greek thought. Hermes Trismegistus became a symbol of united wisdom and a bridge between the divine and the human. ​ Synthesis in the Hermetic Tradition The merging of Thoth and Hermes forms the foundation of the Hermetic tradition, marrying the philosophical richness and mystical insights of two profound ancient cultures. This union helps the Hermetic tradition utilize the legacies of these cultures to enhance our understanding of the cosmos and our role within it, effectively linking spiritual and worldly knowledge.

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The Path of Alchemical Integration: Unifying Masculine and Feminine Principles

 At its core, Hermeticism seeks to harmonize and integrate seemingly opposite forces within the universe and the self. 


It addresses masculine and feminine principles as one of the most significant dualities. This exploration is about gender in both the biological and archetypal senses. It's about understanding and balancing the different energies within each individual, embodying what is often referred to as the alchemical or sacred marriage.


The Essence of Masculine and Feminine Principles


In Hermetic thought, the masculine and feminine principles are seen as fundamental forces of the cosmos, each carrying distinct qualities and energetic laws. 


The masculine principle is often associated with action, logic, and assertiveness, symbolized by the sun's radiant energy. Conversely, the feminine principle embodies receptivity, intuition, and nurturing, akin to the moon's reflective and subtle glow. These principles are present within all individuals and play a crucial role in our perceptions, actions, and how we relate to the world.

An Alchemical Marriage:

A Path To Wholeness

Hermeticism's alchemical or sacred marriage concept represents the inner union of these masculine and feminine energies, leading to a state of wholeness and spiritual enlightenment. This is not merely a symbolic idea but a practical process of transformation. By acknowledging, understanding, and integrating these complementary energies, one embarks on a journey of self-realization and unity with the divine. This process mirrors the work of alchemists, who sought to transform lead into gold through a series of operations symbolizing purification and unification. Similarly, the Hermetic practitioner works to purify and unite their inner energies, transcending duality to reach a state of balance and harmony. This inner transformation is the true goal of the alchemical marriage, yielding a profound sense of completeness and a deeper connection to the universal whole. Practical Applications and the Journey Within The path toward achieving this sacred union involves deep introspection, meditation, and balancing masculine and feminine aspects. It requires conscious effort to nurture qualities that may be dormant or underdeveloped, promoting a growth mindset and a holistic approach to personal development. For instance, someone who has honed their logical and assertive side might seek to cultivate more empathy, intuition, and receptivity, thereby embracing aspects of the feminine principle. This journey is highly personal and unique to each individual, reflecting the diverse tapestry of human experience. Integrating masculine and feminine archetypes within oneself does not lead to a static state of being but rather to a dynamic balance, constantly evolving as one grows and learns.


The Philosophical Path Through Modern Chaos

"I have been so disheartened by today's political and religious dogma from all sides and needed something to help me navigate today's world. I only had a basic grasp of hermeticism, and I mostly observed from afar. Then Chriselda brought it into sharp focus, transforming it into something vivid and 5-D, making it incredibly relatable. She has a knack for showing how it's essentially just common sense, echoing ancient and indigenous wisdom. It’s enlightening to see how the philosophy of Hermeticism remains relevant today, even though it's often suppressed or overlooked in the religious conversations that dominate our lives. I strongly recommend Chriselda's Hermeticism Salon to any woman seeking a philosophical anchor in our turbulent times".

- Veronica Ka

Winter Hermeticism invites us to rethink our perspectives, encouraging us to view the world through a philosophical lens rather than a political or religious one.


You've probably noticed how divided our world seems right now. The gaps between us are wide and daunting. We find ourselves at a critical moment, much like many societies before us, where it feels like we have to pick a side. But the truth isn't simple—it's complex and layered, demanding a thoughtful and nuanced approach. Philosophers, free from the restrictions that bind politicians and religious leaders, have a unique ability to explore these complex issues. They can dive into topics others might avoid and ask questions that go against the grain of mainstream thinking.


This salon course at The Lilith Academy delves deeper into themes explored in my premier long-term mentorship program, "Unveiling Lilith," focusing on Lilith, the West's most marginalized, scapegoated feminine figure.


Imagine traveling back to the time of our ancient ancestors, where today's distractions melt away, letting us connect deeply with Hermes's timeless and poetic wisdom. His teachings encourage us to look beyond our own limited perspectives and tap into a vast, shared well of knowledge. By bringing together diverse individuals, we aim to build the much-needed bridges between our differing views. This task isn’t easy—it challenges us to drop our prejudices and approach the world with the curiosity and courage of a true philosopher.


As someone who has lived on the fringes of society, I offer a unique and deeply personal perspective. Having faced societal judgment as a sex worker, I sought truth beyond the mainstream. This quest led me back to the ancient wisdom of Hermes, which is lost in today's noisy clash of religious and political fervor.


Winter Hermeticism is perfect for anyone feeling out of place in the current religious and political landscape and looking to explore Western culture through an ancient lens. This course is a haven for thoughtful exploration, designed to free you from the narrow confines of conventional beliefs and emotions.


Here, you'll find a space to breathe, think freely, and gain the intellectual independence needed to break free from societal expectations about how you should think and feel.

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Remember the statues I mentioned at the start of this page? They stayed behind in New Orleans but will always be in my heart. My journey in the shadows, filled with learning and transformative experiences, taught me the importance of taking stock of my lived experiences.


I want to help you do the same—to uncover the knowledge you already possess but might not yet recognize.


You see, learning about Hermeticism should eventually extend beyond just acquiring knowledge; it must be applied. This is what we call Practical Hermeticism—putting action behind knowledge to transform it into wisdom.


"Chriselda is a diamond in a whole sea of cubic zirconia." - Kai

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