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Unveiling Lilith

Identifying, Rescuing and Integrating Our True Nature

A 9-month Mentorship Program for Western Women

AI depiction of Lilith unveiled

The Lilith Academy's Premier Program

Lilith: The Forgotten Root of Feminine Consciousness


Roots are often overlooked due to their hidden nature.

They are fundamental to everything—trees, food, and even ideas. Everything that exists or is conceptualized has sprung from some root. This concept is a widely accepted truth, a fundamental principle of nature that few would dispute.


According to ancient Jewish folklore, Lilith was Adam's first wife in the Garden of Eden. Consequently, Lilith is the root of feminine consciousness for Western women.


And like the root of all things, she is forgotten.

Out of sight. Out of mind.


She was created from the same earth and simultaneously as Adam, so she is his equal. However, she left the Garden of Eden when Adam demanded that she submit to him. She told him, "I am here with you, not for you."

This contrasts sharply with Eve, who, in the Old Testament, was created later from Adam's rib and meant not just to complement him but to be a reflection of him.


Lilith, however, stands as a sovereign feminine entity with a narrative wholly her own, independent from Adam’s or Eve's influence.


The Enduring Myth of Lilith


This mythology of Lilith resonates deeply in our collective Western consciousness because her story reflects ongoing struggles against cultural conformity. Her self-exile from Eden for refusing to be subservient underlines a powerful narrative about the marginalized "outsider" feminine in Western culture, often ostracized for challenging societal norms and expectations.


Cultural Reflections and Modern Relevance


This story of Lilith is not just an ancient text but a reflection of ongoing struggles against cultural conformity.


Program Overview: Unveiling Lilith


"Unveiling Lilith" goes beyond retelling the story of Lilith. It sheds light on the deepest, most elusive parts of our minds and into the nuance of cultural discourse, illuminating the foundational roots of our thoughts and revealing where Lilith has been hidden from us.


Revealing the Western Outsider Feminine


UL lifts the veils to see the face of the most gaslighted, scapegoated, condescended, and shamed aspect of the original Western feminine: Lilith. Our root mother!


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Lilith's Bondage Hides in Plain Sight

My 20-year journey in the world of sex work provided a unique root vantage point to observe how our feminine consciousness is shaped by power-hungry, parasitical cultural forces, both hidden and visible.


Unique Insights from the Margins


Living on the fringes of society as the embodiment of what's often dismissed as the "soiled feminine," I found myself constantly balancing the wild with the civilized. Being seen as "less-than" or "trash" offered me a unique perspective on people's true natures. Consider the role of a maid: she invariably knows far more about the family she works for than they know about her. This power dynamic, when navigated wisely, can become a strategic advantage.


Cultural Epiphanies:

Understanding the Madonna/Whore Complex


This experience led to many epiphanies, but one stood out: a profound awareness of the Madonna/whore complex and how it's not merely a personal psychological phenomenon but a cultural one that reflects a deep misunderstanding of the feminine outsider. This issue is vividly illustrated in the Garden of Eden mythology through the contrasting figures of Lilith and Eve.


Archetypal Dynamics: Eve vs. Lilith


Eve represents the culturally constructed feminine, subdued and shaped by societal norms. In stark contrast, Lilith embodies the untamed and sovereign original feminine, symbolizing raw power and independence. This dichotomy highlights many women's struggle between societal expectations and their innate nature.


Unveiling Lilith


"Unveiling Lilith" aims to explore these dual aspects. The program focuses on bringing Lilith into the light and revealing the cultural constructions surrounding Adam & Eve. By understanding these archetypes, participants can better navigate and reconcile their identities within this framework.


Goal and Empowerment: Liberating the Feminine Root


The goal is to empower women to peel away the cultural layers that obscure their authentic feminine essence, liberating and reclaiming their inherent power. Through this mentorship, we seek to unveil and celebrate the wild, pure feminine spirit free from the bondage of cultural programming.


The Sacred Root, Rediscovered

But first...

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Liberating Lilith in the Self is liberating nature in the world.

Awareness of Intentions and Actions


...we must become aware that our actions are deeply tied to our intentions, which often makes us wonder about the hidden motivators of these drives and the unseen forces shaping them.


Questioning the Source of Our Reactions

Do social norms dictate our reactions, or are they drawn from something more pure?


The Creativity of Childhood vs. Societal Conformity


Remember the unrestrained creativity of childhood, where we acted freely without overthinking? As adults, it's not about acting impulsively but understanding how often societal pressures push us to abandon our true creative selves to get by.


Embracing Our Genuine Creative Spirit


Sacrificing our purity isn't necessary. It's possible to fulfill our needs while honoring our genuine creative spirit. Lilith, our root feminine exiled from the Garden long ago, can still emerge in our modern world- must emerge in our modern world.


Reviving the Sovereign Feminine


By reclaiming this connection, we can revive the mighty, sovereign feminine within us and align our actions with this empowered identity.


The Importance of Being Rooted

"To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul." - Simone Weil


Transformative Realignment

This realignment transforms us and sends waves of change throughout the broader world. By its very nature, it demands integrity and fosters a more profound sense of accountability in interacting with the world around us.


Investigating Deeper Influences

So, what are these influences? Let us investigate.

"If  you're beginning to sense these truths in your body, yet struggling to find words or organizational frameworks to make sense of this emerging, chaotic truth, "Unveiling Lilith" is meant for you." - Kim J.

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Beyond the Masculine:
Lilith and the Essence of Nature's Principles

The Dominance of Masculine Principles in Western Culture


In Western culture and consciousness, what often goes unnoticed is that our reality is interpreted and shaped through the lens of the masculine principle. This oversight occurs as imperialist values have usurped what I term indigenous consciousness—the profound wisdom familiar to our tribal ancestors. Consequently, we are now at a loss, unable to identify these principles at work and unaware that we should be seeking them out.


Acceptance of the Status Quo


As a result, we accept that "this is just the way things are" without question.


Introducing "Unveiling Lilith"


"Unveiling Lilith" shifts this perspective by looking through the lens of the original feminine consciousness of the West, which is the inverse of the masculine reality as seen through Lilith's eyes.


Investigating from the Root


This approach allows us to investigate our reality from the root, not only from the sky. By doing so, we start to address and integrate the missing pieces of our understanding, seeing reality and ourselves in a more complete form.


Recognizing and Integrating Truths


Once these truths are recognized, they become ingrained in the world and within ourselves, leading us toward greater wholeness. We mend the shamed aspects of our fundamental nature, welcoming them back into active participation in life instead of letting them remain exiled and concealed within the depths of our unconscious, where they often manifest through psychological projection.

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Fury and Insight:
The Story of Lilith,
The Liberator
and Enabling Eve

Imagine being forced to leave your home because another woman was moving in with your husband. Wouldn’t that ignite fury? This emotional intensity echoes through the story of Lilith, which explores complex dynamics not just between men and women but also between humanity and nature.


For years, I've discussed the traditional portrayal of women under the hashtag #EnablingEve. This commentary critiques the depiction of Eve, created from Adam's rib as his mirror and extension, designed to soothe rather than challenge him. Such roles encourage a stagnant maturity. This exploration extends into deeper, esoteric realms where these archetypical dynamics subtly but powerfully manifest, often hidden in plain sight.


Reflecting on the adage, "many imitate, but can never duplicate," I find it perfectly captures the essence of Lilith and Eve. Eve, crafted to soothe Adam, lacked her own distinct identity. While feminism has empowered women to embrace qualities of independence and strength—reminiscent of Lilith—it also highlights its limitations.


Marilyn Monroe once poignantly noted, "Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition." I resonate deeply with this sentiment. It’s not that I disdain men or worldly ambitions—we all need to secure resources. However, true empowerment goes beyond achieving societal equality; it involves soulful liberation. As detailed on my "Welcome to The Lilith Academy" page, true freedom demands effort. It means being deeply rooted, like the salt of the earth, and soaring like eagles, maintaining a connection to the ground.


Eve, reflecting Adam often confuses equality with men as liberation—a widespread misconception. She vacillates between celebrating her worldly achievements and asserting religious superiority, never recognizing her potential Stockholm syndrome-like devotion to her captor.


As someone interested in astrology, tarot, and the healing arts, I thought I knew everything. Yet, I carried an internalized view of Lilith that was full of shame and didn't know it. It is unsettling how much we think we have overcome intergenerational stuff passed down from our mothers. "Unveiling Lilith" went deep into the dusty, dark corners where judgment sat and pointed its finger. It did something... it liberated my own Lilith, who was suffocating under the weight of this false morality Chriselda speaks of. How could I, on the one hand, advocate for natural medicine while, on the other, unconsciously feel ashamed of nature? Do yourself a favor. If you are a healer of any kind, invest in this program. 

I am transformed from the deep inside out.

- Jen Walters


Our challenge is to rise rooted, embrace our depth while navigating great heights, and engage with the world without losing our essence.


Then the question is, how do I know where Lilith hides?

How has she been occulted?

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 Order to Divine chaos

The Lilith Perspective:

A Unique Inverse Approach to the Hermetic Principles In "Unveiling Lilith".

Our real question is perspective: How can we shift our view to appreciate the world through a different lens? Traditionally, our societal narrative is seen through a lens often symbolized by Adam, which embodies conventional, patriarchal views. But what if we could see through the eyes of Lilith, representing a distinctly feminine and often overlooked perspective? This shift is akin to the process in photography where to create a complete and revealing image, we must first understand its negative.


"Unveiling Lilith" invites us to explore this inverse perspective, diving into the unseen or shadowed aspects of the narratives we accept and live by every day. It's an approach that harnesses contrast to uncover truths, much like how photographers develop film. In photography, a clear image emerges only when its negative is exposed to light. Similarly, examining the contrasts and opposites in our accepted histories and beliefs can give us a clearer and more holistic view of reality.


This exploration isn’t just about revisiting old tales; it’s about reinterpreting them through the 7 Hermetic Principles, which serve as the organizing framework of our journey. These ancient principles, which range from understanding the mental nature of the universe to recognizing the interconnectedness and rhythm of all life, guide us in peeling back layers and challenging the status quo. They help us arrange and understand our findings, structuring our explorations.


By engaging with these principles in the context of Lilith's narrative, we do more than learn about hidden forces; we learn to see with new eyes. This process is designed to reveal not just any story but a richer, more integrated narrative that combines historical insights with timeless wisdom, showing us the full picture of our collective heritage and individual place. This is the essence of "Unveiling Lilith"—a deep, reflective dive into the spaces and stories that have shaped, and continue to influence, our understanding of the world.

"Simply put, this mentorship program changed the way I see the world." - Katrina Bourque

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Assisting Lilith:
Hermes' Role in Unveiling the Primal Feminine

"Unveiling Lilith" isn't a program about Hermeticism but a journey using Hermetic philosophy and frameworks to illuminate Lilith's subjugation within the self and the world.


Operating akin to Hermes, who serves as a bridge between the divine realm of the gods and our earthly domain, Unveiling Lilith traverses realms to illuminate deeper wisdom and unveil the universe's mysteries. It communicates how Lilith's archetypal struggles—disdain, fear, envy, and exile—extend beyond the esoteric realm's veil, manifesting in our visible world.


*For those eager to delve deeper into Hermeticism, my Winter Hermeticism Salon offers a rich exploration of this ancient philosophy, providing a deeper understanding of the principles guiding our journey in Unveiling Lilith.


Let us now take a look at these hermetic laws that govern our existence:

Lilith Unveiled & the 7 Hermetic Principles

Lilith Unveiled

2. Correspondence

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2. The Principle of Correspondence

"As above, so below; as below, so above." This is about the connection between the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (us). It's like saying the same patterns are found from the vastness of the stars to the inner workings of our minds. Ever noticed how the structure of a galaxy can resemble the whirl of a seashell? That's correspondence in action."

5. Rhythm

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5. The Principle of Rhythm

"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides." Life is a series of ebbs and flows, cycles and patterns. This principle reminds us that we're always moving through phases and cycles, whether it's in nature, our personal lives, or civilizations.

3. Vibration

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3. The Principle of Vibration

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." This principle reveals that everything in the universe is in constant motion, vibrating at different frequencies. Everything is in a state of vibration, from the electrons in our bodies to the planets in the sky.

6. Cause and Effect

DALL·E 2024-03-21 13.37.29 - A photorealistic image depicting the goddess Lilith on the mo

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect

"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause." This is about understanding that nothing happens by chance. Every action has a reaction or consequence, creating the tapestry of events in our lives and the universe."

1. Mentalism

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1. The Principle of Mentalism

"The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental." This principle tells us that everything we see, touch, and experience in the universe starts in the mind. Think of it as the ultimate "thoughts become things" concept. It suggests that our realities are shaped by our perceptions and thoughts."

4. Polarity

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4. The Principle of Polarity

"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites." Think of this as the yin and yang of the universe. Everything has an opposite, yet opposites are two extremes of the same thing. Hot and cold, for instance, are just different degrees of temperature.

7. Gender

DALL·E 2024-03-21 13.47.33 - A photorealistic cosmic landscape showcasing the moon and the

7. The Principle of Gender

"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles." This is about sex and also about the masculine and feminine qualities present in all things. 

It's about balance and how these energies influence creation and existence."


"Discovering Chriselda Pacheco and her enlightening perspective during an educational interview on "The Archetypal Lilith" with Heather Eland in December 2021 was a turning point for me. Before this, I had undergone a profound transformation, a painful yet cathartic evolution in my worldview, corresponding with Pluto's transit over my ascendant. Amidst this period of change, the concept of "shadow work" seemed elusive despite its frequent mention by spiritual workers and influencers. My attempts to engage with this concept through conventional therapy and other mainstream methods left me feeling more anxious and disempowered, far from the authentic empowerment I was seeking. Chriselda's candid sharing about her darkest moments and her journey to understand the truth of her being by "meeting Lilith at the gates" of her personal hell resonated deeply with me. It ignited a desire for more, despite my initial resolve to focus solely on Heather Eland’s astrology course in 2022. Chriselda's insights, particularly her portrayal of Lilith as Mother Nature herself and her stance of being "politically homeless," provided both comfort and piqued my curiosity. Thus, when Chriselda announced her six-month course "Unveiling Lilith" (formerly "Church on the B-Sides"), despite my hesitations about the commitment of time and resources, I felt compelled to apply. Six months later, I am profoundly grateful to have embarked on this journey with Chriselda. Chriselda Pacheco is not a therapist but a seer, truth seeker, and trusted guide. Her course, a blend of academic study, group discussion, and personal exploration, was engaging and fun. Framed around The 7 Hermetic Principles and enriched with diverse materials and guest speakers, the course made these ancient teachings accessible and relevant. It encouraged active participation and inquiry, free from dogma or political alignment, grounding us in personal experience and knowledge. Through her lived experience, Chriselda navigated us through the chaos of modern culture, equipping us with tools to maintain our authentic selves amidst gaslighting and narcissistic abuse. Her course offered powerful shadow work and introduced me to a supportive community of women. Together, we journeyed toward self-reclamation and empowerment. "Unveiling Lilith" has been a pathway back to myself, providing sustainable strategies to nurture my inner home through life's inevitable challenges. The clarity and empowerment I've gained are invaluable. For anyone seeking to rediscover and return home to themselves, I wholeheartedly recommend Chriselda's "Unveiling Lilith." This experience has been transformative; it's helped me understand Astrology and reignited my inner artist's flame. I am immeasurably thankful for the journey." - Lindsay Zavala, Astrology student in Heather Eland's "Cosmic Academy" & Unveiling Lilith Graduate, 2022


The 7 Hermetic Principles in Unveiling Lilth offer a way to make sense of the chaos around us, helping us discern a divine order. These principles guide us in recognizing where Lilith has been deliberately obscured—hidden behind layers of shame, scapegoating, demonization, and condescension. Western cultural values often uphold these tactics, which strive to keep Lilith marginalized because her embodiment of the original feminine essence evokes envy, disdain, fear, and confusion. Her presence challenges and exposes the pretense and the hollow, soulless underpinnings belonging to Adam and Eve.


Using these principles, we aim to reveal and reclaim Lilith's power and place, showing her not as a figure of darkness but as a beacon of profound truth and wisdom.

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