The Lilith Academy
Shadow Work For The Western Woman

"When I tell people about Chriselda’s work, I always describe her as a “seer.” What Chriselda does is not the same as the work of a psychic or “intuitive,” its essentially its own category. Her strength is in her ability to help people (myself included) to “see” things more clearly and accurately than anyone else I’ve met in my lifetime. Chriselda has a unique ability to cut through all of the nonsense that’s clouding our vision in order to truly see the core Truth behind what’s causing personal, interpersonal and societal imbalance. She’s able to shine a light on what we NEED to understand (not necessarily what we WANT to understand) and lights a fire under everyone she comes into contact with, catalyzing self-knowledge and necessary change. I highly recommend Chriselda’s services to those seeking self-knowledge who aren’t afraid to reach far outside of their comfort zones in the process."
- Heather Eland, Astrology with Heather
@astrologywithheather on Instagram

Britt Gondolfi, Unveiling Lilith Graduate, 2023, Lilith Medicine client,
Louisiana State Senate candidate, 2023
"I met Chriselda in the dressing room of the Penthouse Club in New Orleans. I remember seeing her in the reflection of a mirror where women were preparing themselves to enter into the gladiatorial arena known as the American strip club. I announced to the women, "madonna or whore girls, get ready, cause the men are coming". She looked at me and said, "I see you girl, I got your number". Chriselda was my mentor. She had compassion on me as a young mid twenties stripper fresh to the industry attempting to make sense of my place there and spent a lot of time helping me unpack the hell we were both walking through. Somehow, she didn't just seem to walk through this charade, she danced and laughed through it. She didn't carry any shame or remorse. I literally don't know how I would have coped without her wisdom. She was able to show me that I was not personally responsible for the fact that the stripper is the highest paid occupation to be held by a woman without a degree, next to being a kept housewife. She helped me see that it was not my fault that our society has founded itself on the exploitation of nature, women, and the labour of men. She reminded me that it was my duty to fight for my freedom and if I had the audacity to don a g-string in the theater of sex work, then I should be proud of myself for earning the freedom this capital provided me. She helped me realize that the "sale" of my body was the most moral exploitation available to people, because my body is the only thing I can claim to actually wholly and truly own, unlike the person who sells oil or land, for who can claim to truly own the earth? She taught me archetypes, economics, spiritualism, mysticism, politics, and how to reclaim my sanity in this mad fucking world. She helped me love myself through a time when the world would have me hide my face in disgust.
I have thought to myself that if her level of wisdom and compassion were available to people on a mass scale, the world would be a more courageous, authentic place. And perhaps that could free us up enough to rebuild not just this Garden of Eden that we have so mercilessly trashed, but also be inspired to rebuild ourselves - this time from a place of true love and integrity.
Chriselda knows all the secrets."
"Over the 25 years I have known Chriselda, I have been continuously struck by her incisive intellect and capacity to naturally synthesize learning from a multitude of disciplines, observations, and life experiences, crafting a depth of understanding of the world that I rarely encounter, even in fellow therapists who devote their lives to such understanding.
She is fierce wise, compassionate, and thoughtful. She intuitively arrives at understandings that take years of study for most of us. I see her as one of the most important voices today on the intersections of race, gender, and politics. Her perspectives have added greater depth to my professional work and personal relationships."

Chelsea DeKruyff, MA, LPC
CoFounder & Faculty for The International Center For Mental Health and Human Rights

Shanna Cross: Unveiling Lilith Graduate, 2020, Owner of Moon Apogee Astrology
"Chriselda's work is like a bridge between the state of confusion and curious awareness to one of clarity and self-actualization. After that, it's what we do with it that matters. Chriselda herself comes from a place of pure authenticity. She is relatable, yet has a fiercely earned authority that comes from a gritty direct experience first, but is also well-read and educated. Despite her intellectual prowess, she still teaches from a grounded reality and does not enable forms of delusion in the world or in the Self. She challenges us to be philosophers and to release any forms of religious, political or cultural dogmas. And best of all, she provides us with roadmaps (the seven hermetic principles) so that we can always have the tools to continue evaluating the world and ourselves. Chriselda and her work is ultimately about the reclamation of our true selves. She is truly what she says she is: a facilitator, a guide through our own internal hell. And as an astrologer, it has deepened my intuition and has impacted my own craft in a way that helps my interpretations have deeper meaning."
"This experience felt like a threading of lessons I knew lived in me and in the world that never felt quite connected until this class. As Chriselda often told me, you must arrive at these lessons with an empty cup or empty mind. This class is both about the world and about the self (correspondence principle). It is an investigation of how and why the world functions as it does and a gentle invitation to begin to reclaim the parts of yourself that are not aligned with your authentic self. Chriselda presents the 7 Hermetic Principles as a framework through which to understand and navigate the world, and then asks you to do your own investigation. It is like having a trusted mentor lead you through a deep investigation of the world while also giving you the tools to do your own work after class is done. This class taught me about embodiment and helped me no longer be afraid of myself. It taught me to trust myself, even when I'm lost or wrong. It taught me the power of authenticity. This class is for someone who is fear-facing. You have to be able to confront the shadows within that may arise because of this class. It comes with a level of self-awareness and self-compassion. You have to arrive humble and open to learn and be patient with yourself as you begin to see the things you're studying finally begin to come to light in your lived experiences. This class taught me to learn in new ways, The lessons you learn here arrive through experience, not necessarily from reading or studying only, (although learning and reading is a big part of it as well!). You just need to be flexible and trust that you're on the right path, even if it's scary and lonely. Her learning environment is joyful, curious, adventurous, expansive, felt like coming home to a safe place- like talking to an old friend. Authentic."
Karolina Heleno, Unveiling Lilith Graduate, 2022, Mary Magdalene in Dystopia Graduate, 2023,
Lilith Medicine Client

Elizabeth Becker: Reverend, Interfaith chaplain, Lilith Medicine client
People are attracted to Chriselda‘s powerful work because it’s so different. There is something so elemental about her work, her voice, and how she shows up in the world. It is both raw and fully formed at all times, much like the Earth. Her vision goes directly into transcendent energies and unexplored areas.
It’s only when someone accepts the concept that mastery is uniquely, achieved in the nuance that they will be ready for the territory Chriselda and her school represent.
It takes radical humility to be in a school like Chriselda’s.
But who’s in charge? The learning. That’s who.
All of you, including me, are in service of the transformational power of the learning. And rightly so.
Chriselda‘s vision is aligned, and constantly aligning to this very power.
"In the heart of The Lilith Academy lies a profound connection to the ancient and esoteric, a dedication to teaching us not what to think, but how to think. It’s about discerning the hidden wisdom that's all around us, the truths concealed in plain sight. This approach resonates deeply with the principles of permaculture, a discipline I hold dear, rooted in the rich soil of indigenous knowledge and our all of our tribal ancestors' connection to the cosmos and the earth’s natural systems.
What fascinates me most about The Lilith Academy's teachings and infrastructure is how parallel it is to permaculture’s: observing nature, not as a force to be tamed, but as a guide to mimic and harmonize with. This synergy promises not just sustainability, but a regenerative way of living, echoing the way indigenous peoples intimately wove this knowledge into the very fabric of their environments and spiritual systems.
Permaculture teaches us about guilds, assembling plants in mutual support to create a thriving ecosystem. This mirrors The Lilith Academy's vision of building communities where each individual's unique strengths support and protect one another, drawing from simple yet profound indigenous methods.
Understanding nature as a flawless closed-loop system reveals that solutions to our most complex problems, such as feeding humanity, don’t require synthetic interventions. Nature herself offers blueprints for abundance.
The Lilith Academy, through its teachings on the esoteric, is not just educating—it's rekindling a way of life that I believe even the Gnostics, those ancient seekers of knowledge, would recognize and embrace. A life where the sacred dance between human and nature is remembered and celebrated, where we live in alignment with the earth's wisdom and cycles.
To be part of The Lilith Academy is to be at the forefront of a movement that doesn’t just aim to change how we see the world but to transform how we live within it. It’s a call to return to a way of life that starts within us that in turns leads to living in perfect harmony with the natural world, a testament to the fact that the deepest truths and most powerful mysteries are not only found in the stars but also in the soil beneath our feet."

Brandy Gilmore, Former Student of Peter Bane who is the author of
Permaculture Handbook

Hannah Jennsen, Award-Winning filmmaker/writer, Graduate of all TLA Programs, Lilith Medicine client
Chriselda Pacheco is why Prometheus was chained. Throughout the course of her life, as she trudged through darkness, wilderness, all the places few dare to go, she has alchemized it all. Every experience in the "under-belly" of Western society was kindling for the bonfire of her soul and the guiding torch that is The Lilith Academy.
In the last few years, I have personally felt the heat of this conflagration in several aspects. I have taken the magnum opus course, engaged in the salons, and worked with Chriselda one-on-one in mentorship. Regardless of setting, the witnessing, nourishment, peace, and honor that is shared between mentor and mentee is sacred, honest, raw, enlightening, and even at times, provoking. There are so many sides to myself and the external world (as above, so below!) that the philosophical discussions and rhetorical conversations teased out that I either didn't know existed or simply did not know how to wrangle with.
Now, after this initiatory experience, I feel more equipped and armed to navigate both my inner world and the culture in which we live. Whether it be in my job, romantic relationships, friendships, creative endeavors, or just the personal quest to seek understanding, the Hermetic framework, archetypal tableau of the Garden of Eden in which we live, my own experiences, and the gritty anecdotal hard-earned wisdom from Chriselda make a strong layered foundation of my own kindling with which I have ignited to blaze my own path to my own individuation, for which I am eternally grateful.
The Lilith Academy is the current culmination of Chriselda seeking out truths not just agreeing to what everyone else says it is.
I’ve told my daughters if they are seeking insight from places or people they need hers because she is coming from experiencing it firsthand. That has always been a thing for us; respect for the people who actually go through the fire, who are saying the words out loud.
When I’ve brought Chriselda up to my daughter's friends it’s usually brought up in talks about identity or figuring out the world they’re walking in. I tell them about what she's doing and to check it out because she breaks it down better than I could think to tell it.
Chriselda does this.
She takes these big concepts and simplifies them to their raw origin. And that’s how I can tell a real motherfucker from a piggybacker. Chriselda's work doesn't seek validation.
I thank her for living the life she has and for throwing us some of those breadcrumbs.

Davina Moreno: Mary Magdalene in Dystopia student
Elizabeth Sorrell: Singer / Songwriter, Lilith Medicine Client
If you are uncomfortable looking at your naked self in the mirror, then seeking the wisdom of Chriselda is a smart move. You will be exposed.
Like a tree in winter whose branches are stripped bare, it is a natural growth process.
Chriselda has a way of showing the truth of nature in any situation. We can not continue to hide behind the fig leaf any longer. Trying to cover up what is not our shame to cover. We have been type cast so to speak, all trying to fit the role of what a woman is "supposed" to be. Ever wonder why it just isn't working out? Chriselda will help you understand why. Be you a wallflower or a Venus fly trap, she knows your species and how to decipher the underlying conditions that prevent you from thriving.
She will speak the truth of nature to your soul in ways that can not be denied or ignored any longer.
If you feel like you are not ready for what she has to offer then let me tell you, that may be the best time to request her services.
I have come to understand myself in ways I'd not ever done by way of friends and family who just coddle and enable. If you are looking for that kind of treatment, there are plenty of frauds out there who are more than happy to take advantage of you. I do not trust many who claim to help people do shadow work. Those who claim to have lived through the dark night of the soul as if it were a square on a calendar.
The work never stops, and neither does Chriselda's determination to reveal what it is really all about. If you sincerely want to dig into yourself and rebuild with a solid foundation, she will gladly provide you with the shovel. I am so grateful to have known Chriselda as long as I have and to see her strength and consistency firsthand. She is living proof of what the truth of woman is.
The Lilith Academy, under Chriselda's insightful guidance, offers a pioneering shadow work mentorship program that is unparalleled. The curriculum is both comprehensive and profoundly esoteric, designed to explore the suppression of the archetypal feminine through the interplay of nature and culture. This enlightening journey illuminates how these forces shape our unconscious and lived experiences, urging us to embark on this sacred work to heal humanity’s wounds and foster a harmonious future.
Despite the trending nature of shadow work on social media, the program at The Lilith Academy emphasizes that true introspective healing is rigorous and requires diligence, humility, and perseverance. The academy fosters a supportive environment that promotes authenticity and honesty, allowing participants to delve deeply into their emotions, thoughts, fears, and dreams through various formats including cohorts, one-on-one mentorship, and specialized salons.
Chriselda's approach is marked by realism, compassion, and a fierce devotion to truth, equipping participants to transform their trauma into growth rather than perpetuating harm. Through this program, I have gained a deeper connection to my own core and the sacred feminine, becoming more rooted and empowered. The Lilith Academy is not just an educational experience; it is a transformative journey that reaches into the deepest layers of our being, offering a cooling salve to our most profound wounds.

Rachel Berzack: MS Clinical Mental Health Counseling- Trauma and Crisis Specialization, Unveiling Lilith Student, 2024

Lindsay Zavala, Unveiling Lilith Graduate, 2022, Mary Magdalene in Dystopia 2023, Winter Hermeticism 2023
Discovering Chriselda Pacheco and her enlightening perspective during an educational interview on "The Archetypal Lilith" with Heather Eland in December 2021 was a turning point for me. Prior to this, I had been undergoing a profound transformation, a painful yet cathartic evolution in my worldview, corresponding with Pluto's transit over my ascendant. Amidst this period of change, the concept of "shadow work" seemed elusive despite its frequent mention by spiritual workers and influencers. My attempts to engage with this concept through conventional therapy and other mainstream methods left me feeling more anxious and disempowered, far from the authentic empowerment I was seeking.
Chriselda's candid sharing about her darkest moments and her journey to understand the truth of her being by "meeting Lilith at the gates" of her personal hell resonated deeply with me. It ignited a desire for more, despite my initial resolve to focus solely on Heather Eland’s astrology course in 2022. Chriselda's insights, particularly her portrayal of Lilith as Mother Nature herself and her stance of being "politically homeless," provided both comfort and piqued my curiosity.
Thus, when Chriselda announced her six-month course "Unveiling Lilith" (formerly "Church on the B-Sides"), despite my hesitations about the commitment of time and resources, I felt compelled to apply. Reflecting on the experience six months later, I am profoundly grateful for having embarked on this journey with Chriselda.
Chriselda Pacheco is not a therapist; she is a seer, a truth seeker, and a trusted guide. Her course, a blend of academic study, group discussion, and personal exploration, was engaging and incredibly fun. Framed around The 7 Hermetic Principles and enriched with diverse materials and guest speakers, the course made these ancient teachings accessible and relevant. It encouraged active participation and inquiry, free from any dogma or political alignment, grounding us in personal experience and knowledge.
Through her lived experience, Chriselda navigated us through the chaos of modern culture, equipping us with tools to maintain our authentic selves amidst gaslighting and narcissistic abuse. Her course not only offered powerful shadow work but also introduced me to a supportive community of women. Together, we journeyed towards self-reclamation and empowerment.
"Unveiling Lilith" has been a pathway back to myself, providing sustainable strategies to nurture my inner home through life's inevitable challenges. The clarity and empowerment I've gained are invaluable.
For anyone seeking to rediscover and return home to themselves, I wholeheartedly recommend Chriselda's "Unveiling Lilith." This experience has been transformative, it's helped with my understanding of Astrology and reignited my inner artist's flame.
I am immeasurably thankful for the journey."
How do I begin to describe Chriselda? She is a powerful mentor with a profound ability to guide women through the complexities of life. I've had the privilege of knowing her for many years, during which she has adeptly helped me shed countless layers of conditioning. Where I once found myself naive and inexperienced, Chriselda's sophisticated wisdom and discernment have been transformative. Her journey has not only reshaped her life but also profoundly impacted mine and that of many others. Anyone would be privileged to have her as their mentor, teacher, or facilitator, for there truly is no one else like her.
The most significant gift she has bestowed upon me is the courage that now defines my every day.

Alexandra Marisia Kurowski : Intuitive Healer, Holistic Practioner
Chriselda speaks truth to aspects that are tense in our consciousness concerning the feminine. She brings the wisdom of her own initiations to spark that in others.
Chriselda embodies her truth and isn’t afraid to challenge the culture we live within, because what she gives rise to as a result is so worthwhile for the people working with her.
Her understanding of the feminine is nuanced and profound, and she leads others through this journey in a way that is both nurturing and fierce.
I love her brilliance.
We can all learn a lot from her!
Over the last seventeen years, I've watched my spiritual journey unfold in ways I could never have anticipated. Initially, I came to Chriselda as a traditional Christian, convinced by others that I was there to "save" her through our virtual meetings. To my surprise, it was her wisdom that ended up guiding me, liberating me from the constraints of my own beliefs.
While I still hold deep respect for Jesus, I've grown disillusioned with the widespread misinterpretations of his words. However, Chriselda's insights have provided me with clarity and comfort. She has helped me rediscover the true essence of Jesus—as a champion of genuine freedom.
With her help, I've adopted a fresh outlook filled with hope and new possibilities. Chriselda has introduced me to alternative paths lit by truth, compassion, and a relentless commitment to spiritual liberation.