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For when the cure needs more power...

DALL·E 2024-03-26 16.43.57 - Create a photorealistic depiction of a female figure, a guide

"Seeking support from "Lilith Medicine" has been a cornerstone in my journey through the complexities of narcissistic relationships and challenging life experiences. What sets this service apart is not just the guidance provided but the profound respect for personal discovery and growth. Instead of prescribing a path forward, "Lilith Medicine" encouraged me to listen deeply to my own instincts and truths, guiding me to uncover and embrace my inner Lilith. This process wasn't laid out in direct instructions; rather, through thoughtful questions and a gentle, guiding hand, I was led to find my answers within myself. Chriselda, the heart of "Lilith Medicine," embodies a unique blend of profound wisdom and unwavering kindness. Her vibrant, unapologetic personality never overshadows her approach; instead, it illuminates the path for those she guides. She never imposed her views or decisions on me. By consistently turning the focus back to my feelings, motivations, and choices, she empowered me to own my decisions fully. This journey of self-discovery, facilitated by "Lilith Medicine," has transformed how I navigate my life and relationships. The empowerment I've gained makes it significantly more challenging for narcissistic personalities to affect me, as I've learned not just to trust but to value my discernment and feelings. "Lilith Medicine" is more than a service—Chriselda’s unique approach has not only helped me navigate tough times but has also illuminated a path to self-knowledge and resilience. It is a beacon of healing and empowerment for anyone ready to confront their challenges and rediscover their strength, guided by the wisdom of their own inner Lilith."

- Kristen, Lilith Medicine client

Lilith Medicine Pricing PlanS

Lilith Medicine: Sparking An Ember



Good for only when you need a quick check in with the fire.

Valid until canceled

This is one 90 minute session

Sparking An Embe

Lilith Medicine: Controlled Campfire



Lilith Medicine: Campfire

Valid until canceled

Two 90 minute check-ins with the fire.


Lilith Medicine: Prescribed Burn



Three 90 minute sessions. For people who need and are ready about their purification journey

Valid until canceled

This is three 90-minute sessions


Lilith Medicine: Ceremonial Bonfire



The Phoenix Awaits!

Valid until canceled

Four 90-minute sessions.

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