The Lilith Academy
Shadow Work For The Western Woman

Not ready to commit to a
I am now taking appointments.
"If you are uncomfortable looking at your naked self in the mirror, then seeking the wisdom of Chriselda is a smart move. You will be exposed.
Like a tree in winter whose branches are stripped bare, it is a natural growth process.
Chriselda has a way of showing the truth of nature in any situation. We can not continue to hide behind the fig leaf any longer. Trying to cover up what is not our shame to cover. We have been type cast so to speak, all trying to fit the role of what a woman is "supposed" to be. Ever wonder why it just isn't working out? Chriselda will help you understand why. Be you a wallflower or a Venus fly trap, she knows your species and how to decipher the underlying conditions that prevent you from thriving.
She will speak the truth of nature to your soul in ways that can not be denied or ignored any longer.
If you feel like you are not ready for what she has to offer then let me tell you, that may be the best time to request her services.
I have come to understand myself in ways I'd not ever done by way of friends and family who just coddle and enable. If you are looking for that kind of treatment, there are plenty of frauds out there who are more than happy to take advantage of you. I do not trust many who claim to help people do shadow work. Those who claim to have lived through the dark night of the soul as if it were a square on a calendar.
The work never stops, and neither does Chriselda's determination to reveal what it is really all about. If you sincerely want to dig into yourself and rebuild with a solid foundation, she will gladly provide you with the shovel. I am so grateful to have known Chriselda as long as I have and to see her strength and consistency firsthand. She is living proof of what the truth of woman is."
- Elizabeth Sorrell, Lilith Medicine Client
Feminine Triage:
Lilith Medicine's Path to Reclaiming Your Power
The Wetiko Effect:
Narcissism's Grip on Women's Well-being
The Nexus of Narcissism and Wetiko
Narcissism, a prevalent issue today, is deeply connected to Wetiko—a concept from Algonquin culture that describes a spirit overwhelmed by greed, excess, and selfish consumption. Known as windigo in Ojibwa and wintiko in Powhatan, Wetiko can be likened to a mind virus, a cannibalistic force-- like a spiritual cancer that feeds on its host. This force has fostered anxiety and a sense of disembodiment among us, making it difficult to feel secure in our own bodies. The widespread presence of narcissism in our culture and institutions has ingrained this form of abuse so deeply that it often appears as a standard mode of operation. Historically and presently, women, often finding themselves more vulnerable, bear the brunt of this psychological onslaught across many aspects of life.
Recognizing the Invisible Abuse
The challenge lies in recognizing this abuse, as it has melded into the background of ordinary interactions, becoming almost invisible and perpetuating the gaslighting of women and the feminine principle, both within themselves and in society. I've often emphasized that the journey isn't about learning to believe in yourself; it's about learning to believe yourself. This is the crucial shift that reverses the effects of gaslighting oneself. This essential growth can only begin when we strip away the layers imposed by the spirit of Wetiko, which I see as the root of many personality disorders—a disorganized, ungrounded, and disembodied presence.
Lilith Medicine: A Sanctuary for Healing
Lilith Medicine is designed as a sanctuary for the Western feminine spirit worn down by these battles—a place for being seen, resting, and healing. It offers a range of support, from casual check-ins where you can share your current struggles and receive the support you need to more structured sessions that help you 'organize your wisdom.' This involves recapitulation, where you revisit and reflect on your life's pivotal experiences. By engaging with "Lilith Medicine," you embark on a journey to recalibrate your fight-flight responses through a reflective process that encourages you to trust the wisdom of your body and reclaim your inner voice.
Personalized Support and Transformation
Whether dealing with a minor setback or undergoing a significant life transition, "Lilith Medicine" meets you wherever you are on your journey. Offering both individual sessions and comprehensive packages, this service is perfectly suited for any woman needing reflection or undergoing transformative life events. It provides a steadfast support system to guide her through these pivotal changes. This is not about promoting self-worship but about rediscovering yourself in a sacred manner, enabling you to shine your light amidst the darkness.