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Church on the B-Sides is not currently open for applicants, BUT you may complete this form now to be put on the waiting list for when B-Sides opens in January of 2023.


Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is Church on the B-Sides?

    • Church on the B-Sides is the negative to the photograph. It is analyzing our existence here in the West–an active investigation on precisely how the Feminine has been relegated to the subconscious. Omitted. Not invited to the party. Gaslit. Scapegoat. Profaned.

    • We look at how the shame, fear, and envy of the feminine has manifested internally and externally through the lenses of religion, psychology, sociology, history, and the occult–all within the framework of the ancient Seven Hermetic Principles. 

  • What is the Lilith Academy?

    • The Lilith Academy is a school that creates courses that center on the idea of Lilith as nature. Lilith is the feminine of nature. Eve is the feminine of culture. 

    • The educational programs within are created to reveal her true sacredness. The academy is dedicated to the liberation of Lilith in the world and in the self. 

  • Who is Chriselda Pacheco?

    • (Please read the About Me section on website.]

  • What will I learn from Church on the B-Sides?

    • A lot! But at the core, you’ll learn how to be a spiritual warrior. You will learn to practice discernment, avoid trauma traps, identify what things really are, and see what’s hiding in plain sight. It is an alchemical program that will help to identify what the profaned masculine and feminine are and will help us be able to identify more clearly the sacred feminine and masculine, not just in the world but in the Self .

  • What does the course entail? How is it structured? What can I expect?

    • Six months of bi-weekly one-on-one Zoom sessions with Chriselda, as well as group Zoom discussions on the weeks in between. To supplement the discussions, you will have readings, documentaries, and other materials to help you dive more deeply into the topic. 

    • On the first day of the course, Chriselda will meet in the groups to introduce herself and the rhythm of the course going forward, as well as leading you into the first part of the curriculum. That first week will also be the week that you choose your biweekly Zoom meeting day and time with Chriselda. 

    • Each week, you will get an email that will include an introduction to this week’s topics and links to/attach the supplementary materials. The Kybalion will be discussed in the groups, while the one-on-one sessions will be a deeper, personal dive into the curriculum focused more on your personal experience with the material with spiritual guidance as part of our conversation.

  • What do I need to prepare for this course?

    • To have the most ideal experience, you’ll be required to acquire:

      • 3” Ringed Binder

      • 10 Dividers 

      • Notebook paper and/or a journal (if you like to write notes, otherwise you may print your notes and the materials)

        • *It’s more magical to physically hand write your notes and thoughts! So paper and pen are highly encouraged 

      • A copy of the Kybalion. >> with a link

      • Access to Zoom and the Website 

  • How long is the course?

    • Six months! We start May 9th and will end Mid-November.

  • When do applications open?

    • January 2023 - Date TBD

  • When do applications close?

    • January 2023 - Date TBD

  • When is the first day of the course?

    • January 2023 - Date TBD - If you are accepted into the program, you will receive correspondence regarding times and links for the initiation of the course.

  • When does the course end?

    • Date TBD

  • Why do I have to apply? When I apply, do I automatically get in? Why is this an application process and not an enrollment process?

    • First of all, because I am one person doing one-on-ones! It’s really about providing a quality, intimate experience. 

    • Because of the transformative nature of this experience, I have learned with working people in the last 2.5 years, it’s really important that they are ready to do the work. This is Shadow Work.

    • This course requires action. It’s not a course where everything is intellectualized. This course requires doing things and making changes in order for the knowledge to work in your life.

    •  We need to make sure you and I are a good fit, and that you are prepared to have this great experience. As someone who’s been doing this program for years, I have found it true that it can be easy to waste time and money on something, if you aren’t ready for this kind of transformation.

  • Will I have to do an interview? If so, when?

    • Yes. The first phase of the application process to the course is the actual questionnaire. Based on your responses, you may be contacted for a 30-60 minute Zoom interview. Just like applying for university or for a job! It’s just to get to know you better, ask you questions about your application, give you an opportunity to ask any questions, and simply to make sure we’re a good fit!

  • When will I find out if I’ve been accepted? How long does the application process take?

    • The timeline from submitting your application to your notification of acceptance is approximately 5 days. The specific timeframe looks like this:

      • Once you submit your initial questionnaire, you will be contacted within 24-48 hours with information about whether or not you will proceed to the interview round. 

      • If you proceed to the interview round, you will be notified 24-48 hours after submitting your application. Your interview will be scheduled for the next day, or if necessary, the day after. In other words, interviews are 2-4 days following the submission of an application. So, if you apply April 26th, your interview would be between April 28th and 30th.

      • A final decision of acceptance will be emailed to you within 24 hours following your interview. 

      • Upon acceptance, information with links, next steps, and payment information will be sent to you. 

  • How many students will be accepted?

    • 15 students will be accepted twice a year every six months.

  • Will there be a waitlist?

    • Yes.

  • When will Church on the B-Sides launch again?

    •  January of 2023 (Capricorn season!), specific dates TBD. 

  • How much is the course?

    • The course is $350 a month for six months.

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